Go, you must. Try drinks, you must. Oga’s Cantina in Star Wars Land at Hollywood Studios is a must do on your trip to the most magical place on earth!
I’ll be honest- my husband and I are not die hard Star Wars fans. We watch the movies when they come out, and I grew up watching Luke Skywalker find his father, but we are not fanatics by any means.
HOWEVER, we are SUPER impressed by Galaxy’s Edge. The amount of detail put into the land is just astounding. Every inch is themed to the nines. It’s quite breath taking. From the trash cans to the now infamous Coke bottles to the ceilings inside the restaurants and shops, EVERYTHING has been thought of and planned meticulously. We were blown away.
There are a few places to eat/drink inside of Star Wars Land, but one in particular has drawn crowds and is a hard to get reservation. Hopefully that’s changing, because it’s a really fun spot that we think everyone should visit!! The name of the coveted watering hole is Oga’s Cantina!
Note: I apologize for the un-amazing pictures inside of Oga’s- I was not prepared to have so much fun and so did not bring my good camera. The bar is really pretty and glows, but it makes for unflattering pics!

When all the hype surrounding Star Wars was going on, but before it had opened, I heard through Living by Disney (if you want to be in the know about Disney, sign up for her weekly email and follow her on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook) that reservations were available for Oga’s Cantina. I wasn’t sure we’d want to go, but was able to snag one for when hubby and I were going to be at Disney for our anniversary. I am SO glad I did! The process was easy and smooth, but there are a few things that may be helpful to know. So other than be sure to grab a reservation, here are my tips, in random order:
Oga’s Cantina is mostly a bar, especially after breakfast hours. They do now serve breakfast (check out the menu here), but after that it’s drinks, drinks, and more drinks (technically there are a few snacks, but as I mentioned above, it’s mostly drinks). And they are VERY unique and delicious!
There are non alcoholic drinks, such as blue milk with a sugar cookie topping (I’ve heard it’s very good, but since we were adulting at Disney I went for the alcohol)!
Upon checking in with the hostess stand, you are directed to a line where you wait for tables to open up. I use the word tables lightly- see the next tip below. We did not have to wait long to gain entry, maybe 5 minutes. While we were waiting Darth Vader and two Storm Troopers came up to the people in front of us and asked them if they were part of the resistance. It was so fun!
Oga’s is 95% standing room only. On the Disney website they say you may be split from your party, but we noticed big groups (maybe 6-8 people) getting to sit in the booths that are around the perimeter, while those of us that had 2-4 people stood. Yes you read that correctly, we stood! It wasn’t a big deal to us, just know you most likely won’t be resting your weary feet. We were ushered to our spot at the bar, given menus and then asked for our order a few minutes later. It was a mix between being a bit rushed and being excited to experience the ambiance and just being happy to not have to entertain kiddos. By the way, there were kids there, and they were very welcome, but most of the crowd was adults.
There is a 45 minute time limit. I’m not sure what method they use to enforce this policy, but it is there, none the less. Come in, drink while standing, and leave! After every drink we ordered a new bill appeared in front of us, just in case we were getting lazy and thinking we’d stay longer than our allotted time :).
There is also a 2 alcoholic drink per person over the age of 21 drink limit. As mentioned above, we were childless millennials for the weekend, so we used that as an excuse to imbibe our allotted drinks (while in Batuu, act like a Batuu-ian, right?!)
The bartenders lead you through the occasional cheer, and with one in particular, if you weren’t loud enough, he called you out. He made one lady come up to the bar (she was in a booth) and told her he was watching her and expected her to yell loudly next time. All in good fun of course.
Spinning tunes at the bar is the adorable (can I say that about a robot?) DJ R-3X, who is formerly a pilot of a Starspeeder 3000 of the Star Tours ride. He calls himself DJ REX, and we thought he was the coolest, while trying to guess how much money he cost to design and make. He is voiced by Paul Reubens (yep, the former Pee Wee Herman).
Now on to our drinks. My first drink is called the Fuzzy Tauntaun. I am a fruity drink person, and this fit the bill. Peach Schnapps, Peach Vodka, sugar and then let me tell you about the “buzz button tingling foam.” As she handed it to me, our bartender said “Good luck with this one.” I laughed it off, but friends, let me tell you, after drinking the foam part, I legit thought I was having an allergic reaction!!!! My lips and tongue felt weird and tingly. I started to panic, then read the description again, looking for signs of nuts somehow stashed in it (I have a pecan and walnut allergy), but saw none. I made hubby try it immediately, and thankfully he had the same experience! So be forewarned- the tingling foam is indeed tingling!

My second drink was slightly and thankfully less exciting but still very good- the Bespin Fizz. It did have a “cloud swirl” coming off of it, and while I liked the Fuzzy Tauntaun better this was decent too. It consisted of white cranberry and pomegranate juices and yuzu puree, and the alcohol was rum. I definitely tasted the cranberry juice and thought it tasted a bit like cough syrup. Hubby got the Jet Juice and the Jedi Mind Trick. Be warned that the Jet Juice is served in what’s basically a shot glass. The Jedi Mind Trick was more like a cocktail and he savored that a bit longer.
Bespin Fizz Jedi Mind Trick
While there are a few odd things about the experience (like standing and the time limit), as an inexperienced Star Wars fan we really enjoyed it. It upped our “adulting at Disney” experience, and we’d go back again for sure. All the people visiting the bar were generally just having a good time and enjoying the theming (such as fake creatures/animals in glass aquariums). It’s a novel place, and one we’d recommend!
Who knows, you might have so much fun at Oga’s that you continue the joy by almost accidentally tripping Chewbacca when you jump behind him for a silly impromptu picture!!! 🙂 He was not amused :).
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